Although the same language is spoken in Germany and Austria, there are significant differences in the legal and administrative framework conditions that affect debt collection in Austria. These differences make it inefficient and often problematic for German debt collection agencies to pursue receivables in Austria.

Austria has its own specific laws and regulations with regard to the implementation of debt collection. German debt collection agencies are usually not familiar with the intricacies of the Austrian legal system, which in turn can lead to errors and legal problems, such as claims must be sued and enforced locally, as the place of jurisdiction for private individuals is the debtor’s place of residence. Without local networking and knowledge of the respective court system, it is difficult for German debt collection agencies to act effectively and efficiently.

Despite the common language, there are cultural and practical differences that can influence communication and negotiations with debtors. Debtors in Austria who are contacted by a foreign debt collection agency are often not impressed and feel less obliged to respond to a letter. A letter from a local debt collection agency has a stronger impact and is taken seriously. Using a local debt collection agency in Austria is often more cost-efficient and leads to results faster.

Therefore, it makes no sense for a German debt collection agency to carry out the debt collection in Austria itself.

You can benefit from working with a local partner, which is much more efficient and successful.

We look forward to supporting you successfully in Austria!

