We will take care of you and the money you have earned!
Quality …
… is the most important factor for us at COMMERZ Inkasso and our full roster of formerly trained staff, along with a young and dynamic management team, are here to ensure that you receive payment and remain liquid.
Like others before, you too can profit from us by avoiding unnecessary payment delays. Our approach to debt collection is personalised to your needs, making the management of your money more effective.
Debt trap Christmas
Most individuals head toward Christmas with financial difficulties and stress already causing them problems. Consumer watchdogs begin the warnings early on with reminders not to overextend and overdraw! The new year, at the latest, is [...]
Why German debt collection agencies should not carry out debt collection in Austria
Although the same language is spoken in Germany and Austria, there are significant differences in the legal and administrative framework conditions that affect debt collection in Austria. These differences make it inefficient and often [...]
How does COMMERZ Inkasso operate internationally?
COMMERZ Inkasso is a member of the ECA, European Debt Collectors, and has partners internationally which are expertis in the field within their country or location. The incurred costs are dependant on that location. You [...]
What costs are incurred during the consultation?
The initial enquiry is free of charge. Following this the success potential is determined and a quote prepared.
What costs are incurred by the debt collection?
COMMERZ Inkasso does not have a membership fee. If the debtor pays the Inkasso fees plus interest on the debt along with the initial debt, no further costs are incurred by you. Should the debtor [...]
Great news!
On May 16, 2023, during the general assembly of ECA members, Michael Rieger – member of Commerz Inkasso GmbH board was elected to be the treasurer of this organization. What is an ECA? The European [...]
The goal of the initial enquiry is….
...to provide you with the security of debt collection management. The goal is to ensure optimised and safe future dealings.
Is there benefits in collecting smaller debts?
Small or large debts both influence the liquidity of your entity, we follow-up on any debts over the value of 20.0 Euro.
What are the chances of the debt being collected successfully?
This is difficult to say in advance but our success rate is upward of 80%. At COMMERZ Inkasso we analyse all commercial information and debts in order to find an efficient and effective plan for [...]
A customer owes me money, what can I do?
Forward the information regarding the open invoice to COMMERZ Inkassoburo. We have decades of experience in the areas of debt collection and our highly trained staff will be able to assist you. We require the [...]
Collection Service Fresh & Different
COMMERZ Inkasso offers flexible, complete solutions to increase the liquidity of its customers and decrease their credit risk. Through our high quality collection methods our customers see a more continuous incoming cash flow and clear [...]